
Seeking the Road Less Traveled ft. Thieza Verdijo | Kwentong Kalikasan Mini Documentary Series
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For Thieza, choosing the road less traveled as a woman had never been easy. She was pressured with expectations to work in a corporate setting, but life soon unfolded before her eyes and chose to dedicate a career around the mountain ranges of Bukidnon. Now serving as the Deputy Director of the Xavier Science Foundation, find out how Thieza works to protect and conserve forests around the Kalatungan range with the Nagkahiusang Manobong Manununod sa Yutang Kabilin (NAMAMAYUK) tribal association in Pangantucan, Bukidnon. - This is part of the 7-Episode Kwentong Kalikasan Documentary Series which aims to highlight the heroes and the champions behind forest conservation in Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental. This is a joint project between AYEJ and Forest Foundation Philippines. For any type of feedback or request, please send us an email at #LetsGrowTogether #LetTheEarthBeHeard -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to Knowledge Cha
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Run time: 24:39
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Ako si Theaza Verdijo at ito ang aking kwentong kalikasan.
My name is Theaza Clarito Verdijo.
I'm currently the Deputy Director of Xavier Science Foundation, Inc.
I'm here to tell you about my story,
to share with you the kind of work that I do in the foundation
and what motivates me to do the job that I do
and love it as much as I can.
For me, actually, siguro since I was a kid,
I'm always curious.
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