
The Stories that Maps Tell ft. Andres Ignacio | Kwentong Kalikasan Mini Documentary Series
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Mapping, simply put, is a representation of the forest landscape on a piece of paper. But there’s more to it than just a visual aid. Maps tell stories: they narrate what has been and project what could be. Such is key to decision-making on resource management and ultimately, on forest conservation. Andres, Director for Geomatics and Planning of the Environmental Science for Social Change (ESSC), calls on to get everyone involved in the movement to protect our forests, “We must give importance to our forest and care for it because it is also the forest who looks after us and the generations to come.” - This is part of the 7-Episode Kwentong Kalikasan Documentary Series which aims to highlight the heroes and the champions behind forest conservation in Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental. This is a joint project between AYEJ and Forest Foundation Philippines. Subscribe to Knowledge Channel YOUTUBE Channel: For Donors, Teachers and Learners: K
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Run time: 15:57
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Ako si Jose Andres Ignacio at ito ang aking kwentong kalikasan.
I'm Jose Andres Ignacio. I'm 56 years old.
I'm the Director for Planning and Geomatics of the Institute of Environmental Science for Social Change.
I'm being asked to share about my experiences and the work that I do in relation to forest management here in the Philippines.
When I was young, I wanted really to become a scientist ever since, but more focused on the stars, an astronomer.
Then when I was in college, I went into physics. At that stage, I thought that it was so detached from people.
I also like people. I mean, I wanted to interact a lot with people, especially the disprivileged.
I had to say goodbye to my childhood dream of being a scientist.
That's when I shifted out and focused on interdisciplinary studies in the Ateneo de Manila University.
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