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Ninong Ry nagluto ng mga ulam na hinaluan ng kimchi. Kamusta naman kaya ang lasa? Follow niyo din ako mga inaanak:
Ninong Ry
Run time: 26:06
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English Summary of Video (AI):
The video is a cooking vlog by a Filipino creator exploring unique culinary experiments by integrating kimchi, a staple Korean side dish, into traditional Filipino recipes. The creator and his team tackle the challenge of mixing the distinct flavors of kimchi with Filipino dishes, resulting in innovative creations. Here are the key points covered in the video:

- Introduction and context for using kimchi in Filipino dishes, noting that kimchi has become somewhat of a staple in many homes and pondering its integration into Philippine cuisine beyond simple fried rice.

- Experimentation with incorporating kimchi into various Filipino dishes:
- **Laing with Kimchi**: Laing, a traditional Filipino dish made from taro leaves and coconut milk, is cooked and mixed with kimchi. The process involves discussing the two types of taro leaves (dry and fresh), the preferred cooking method, and integrating kimchi to create what is humorously referred to as "Laing-Kimchi." Despite the experiment, the kimchi flavor is noted to be somewhat overshadowed by the strong taste of the laing.

- **Kimchi Caldereta**: Caldereta, a Filipino stew usually made with beef, is modified to include kimchi. The video documents the cooking process, replacing certain ingredients like tomato paste with kimchi to see if the flavors blend well. The creator observes that kimchi integrates better with Caldereta, adding a unique depth to the dish's flavor profile.

- **Kimchi Sinigang (KimSinigang)**: Sinigang, a sour soup traditionally Filipino dish, is experimented with by adding kimchi. The creator highlights adjustments made to the standard recipe to accommodate kimchi, including the process of browning the meat and integrating kimchi early in the cooking process. This dish is noted to have successfully incorporated the kimchi flavor, impressing the creator with its complementary taste to the traditional sourness of sinigang.

- Throughout the video, the creator provides detailed instructions and insights into the cooking process, from browning meat to seasoning adjustments required to balance the flavors of the added kimchi.

- The video concludes with taste tests of each dish, offering reflections on the success of integrating kimchi into traditional Filipino recipes. The kimchi caldereta and kimchi sinigang are highlighted as successful experiments, with special mention of the intriguing idea of further experimenting with integrating other cuisines into Filipino dishes.

The video emphasizes creativity in the kitchen, exploring the fusion of Korean and Filipino culinary traditions to create new taste experiences while maintaining a lighthearted and humorous tone throughout the cooking and taste-testing process.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Elektrik parami sa taas hanggang 24
Ang taas mo!
No joke, no joke.
Kita ko sa'yo.
Hanggang 24.
Anong nalagyan mo sa mga mabos?
Nakita mo mayonnaise?
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