
Sino Ang Susunod na Presidente?
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ISKO MORENO; MARCOS; AQUINO; ERAP ESTRADA This video presentation depicts Philippines the most powerful politicians in the country so far. According to Philippine president who is the rightful ruler after him? Francisco Moreno Domagoso (colloquially named as Yorme Isko) (born October 24, 1974) is a Filipino former actor and a current politician. He is the 27th mayor and a former Vice Mayor of the City of Manila, the capital city of the Philippines; and a former three-term councilor of the city's first congressional district. He is also a former actor, using the screen name Isko Moreno, who started as a matinee idol and later became known for his mature roles during his short stint in the "Titillating Films" genre that was prevalent in the country during the 1990s. Ferdinand "Bongbong" Romualdez Marcos Jr. (born September 13, 1957) is a Filipino politician who most recently served as a senator in the 16th Congress. He is the second child and only son of former President and dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos and of
Pinoy Mystery Channel
Run time: 13:38
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