
Goma At Home: Spicy Eggs With Rice Paired With Refreshing Brazilian Lemonade
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Welcome once again to Goma At Home! This Sunday, we are cooking something quick and easy- Spicy Eggs with Rice. And we will pair this with a very refreshing and satisfying drink which is Brazilian Lemonade. For the Spicy Eggs with Rice, you’ll need: Eggs, onion, garlic, chili pepper, salt, honey, mirin, soy sauce and honey. For the Brazilian Lemonade, you’ll need: Lime. condensed milk, honey and ice #GomaAtHome #ChiliEggs #BrazilianLemonade #richardgomez
Richard Gomez
Run time: 17:30
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So there you go. See how easy it is to make our spicy eggs with rice and then our
brazilian lemonade. Hello and welcome to Go Amat Home. Today we are preparing spicy
eggs on top of steamed rice and then we'll prepare it. The weather is hot. We'll prepare
it with the brazilian lemonade. Okay? So it's simple. We just need garlic, onions, some
chili peppers, then we'll fry some eggs and put the sauce in there. A little bit of
kikuman, a little bit of mirin, and a little bit of honey. And we're good to go. Okay? First,
let's make our onions. I only need half of onion. Okay? It's summer. The storm is coming
but it's hot again. Okay. And then, that's all I need. I'll just set it aside. Let's finish
this. Okay. There. We'll top it on the rice. And then garlic. There. The best. And then,
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