
Our Little Sunshine's FACE REVEAL | Welcome To The World, Hailee Lucca! By Kris Bernal 🌻
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Introducing our precious gift from God, Hailee Lucca Bernal Choi. ❤️ She came into the world on August 15, 2023, at 7:12PM, weighing 7.16lbs, and measuring 50 cm long. Hailee Lucca inspired by the word "Hallelujah" that means "Praise the Lord". My child is a manifestation of God's divine love, and I am forever thankful for this blessing. Additionally, I had an odd, excessive fondness (Paglilihi) for NBA player, Luka Doncic, throughout my entire pregnancy, kaya bumagay din! *Chants Halle-Luka* SINONG KAMUKHA? CONFIRMED DIBA! COMMENT BELOW! :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey SHE-zums! You’ve known me for quite a long time now. Thanks to my showbiz career, I got to showcase my love for acting and I can say I’m so blessed to have this kind of life. I may have played different roles in the limelight but I realized I haven’t really introduced the Kris Bernal behind the camera. So now, I’ve finally decided to do it. Everyone, th
Kris Bernal
Run time: 16:04
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Hi Shizzles!
Welcome to my YouTube channel!
And for today's vlog, may shoot ako. I'm back to work.
Love it! Love it!
Ako'y mag-photoshoot.
Hindi, it's Hailey Lucas photoshoot today.
Her very, very first baby photoshoot.
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