
8 Reasons Why Most Chinese Parents Want Their Children To Go Into Business | Chinkee Tan
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Ano ang pagkakaiba ng mga Pinoy at Chinoy sa pagpapalaki at pagpapaaral ng anak? Sa video na ito ay tutuklasin natin kung bakit mas gusto ng mga Chinoy na matutong magnegosyo ang kanilang mga anak kaysa pumasok bilang empleyado ng kumpanya. Grab this opportunity to learn more and begin your journey to success! 😉 Get this bundle for only 499 instead of 990: 0:58 Wala namang masama mag trabaho 1:00 mindset ng mga chinese parents 1:29 Bakit ang chinese parating may negosyo 'pag chinese may advantage ba? 2:04 Cultural values 2:21 Ito dapat ang mindset 2:43 Independence 3:32 they practice communism 3:46 Exodus Campaign 4:20 Major difference of chinese and pilipino 4:59 Family tradition 5:59 Flexibility 6:34 Shoutouts to Ka-Iponaryo! 6:45 Creativity 7:41 Personal fulfillment 8:49 I want to give you this for free! #Iponaryo #PambansangWealthCoach #Chinoy #chinkeetan #iponaryo #chinkpositive #wealthy #bawatpilipinoayiponaryo #chinkeetan #helpingtob
Chink Positive
Run time: 09:55
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