
MY EX RETURNED ALL MY STUFF (Unboxing: Araw ng patay kong puso special)
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It’s my first time being open about my broken heart by unboxing things my ex returned to me on the day of the dead.. a day for my now seems lifeless heart. to D’ex, though I hope you wait another 6 months before replacing me haha, I still wish you find the right one who can give you everything I can’t. I’m sorry what I could give wasn’t enough. 😔 I’m sorry for not being enough or not being the right one for you. I tried even if it meant I would lose myself.. because the happiness you brought into my life was such a blessing.. I prayed about you everynight, thanking Him for bringing you into my life. Your existence and your love was what helped me keep going when I wanted to give up. That’s why I love you enough to let you go.. I’m sorry for everything and I want you to know I’ve always forgiven you before you said every sorry in our almost 6 years of knowing each other. Always. I now accept that the kind of love I give isn’t right for you.. for us. It might not be the right kind but i
Run time: 18:47
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