
Transforming Myself into a Baddie (ABG)
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Hi! I’m Ashley from the Philippines. Join me as I transform from looking like a potato to an instagram baddie/asian baby girl (lol i really tried i hope i was able to pull off the look) Here’s the timeline: 0:00 why i wanna transform 1:06 shopping for outfits and makeup 1:55 eyelashes and eyebrows! 2:33 getting my nails done 2:41 haul 4:49 makeup lol 6:46 putting hair extensions, tattoos, piercings 8:19 final reveal Eyebrowdery: Keratin Lash Lift price: 2,498 (10% OFF pa just use my code “EBashley10”) Video is inspired by Michelle Choi: For work and collaborations: ♡ CONTACT ME Email: ♡ SOCIAL MEDIA Ashley Garcia Twitter and Instagram: @ashleyogarcia If you're still reading this, I love you!
Ashley Garcia
Run time: 10:01
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