
The Dawn EPISODE # 224 The Paco's Place Podcast
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Welcome to a monumental episode of The Paco's Place Podcast! Join us as we reach a remarkable milestone by welcoming none other than the legendary OPM band, The Dawn, as our special guests. In this unfiltered and captivating conversation, Jett Pangan and the rest of the band reveal what it is like to be part of The Dawn Watch this episode on a brand new LED TV - Get ready to be entertained and moved as we pull no punches in this no holds barred discussion. Discover the untold stories, the triumphs, and the challenges that have shaped The Dawn's illustrious career. Brace yourself for an episode that will not only inspire you but also provide an intimate glimpse into the hearts and minds of these musical icons. Don't miss out on this extraordinary encounter between Jett Pangan, Paco Arespacochaga, and the incredible talents of The Dawn. Tune in now and prepare to be captivated by this heartwarming and unforgettable experience. #TheDawn #PacoArespacochaga #pacosplace #JettPangan #JBLe
Paco's Place
Run time: 01:03:42
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It was Teddy and Junboy who were the catalysts of The Dawn.
From the very beginning in 1985, wala pa ako noon.
It was such an unthinkable situation na hindi ka makaisip.
You don't really know what's ahead when you're still reeling from the loss.
So for me, it was, okay, go back to school, finish my engineering, you know.
But there's always one foot in the band.
There was still hope.
The very person who found, who had this idea called The Dawn,
already left us, you know.
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