
MAINIT NA BALITA! Fakenews ng Hamas Ikinalat sa Pilipinas.
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Digmaan sa pagitan ng Israel at ng grupong Hamas ay lalong nang uuminit. Maraming ka grupo sa gitnang silangan ang nakikiramay sa laban ng dalawa, ganun din naman sa kanluran. Nagpadala ulit ng isa pang sasakyang pandigma ang amerika sa karagatan ng medditeranean, hindi lang basta basta, ito ay isa sa pinaka mabagsik na submarine sa mundo na may kargang thermo nuclear weapons na mas malakas pa pinagsamang atom at plutoniom bomba na pinasabog sa hiroshima at Nagasaki. Bukod sa maiinit na balita, Sunod sunod rin ang paglabas ng mga fake news na ikinakalat pati sa Pilipinas. ISRAEL GAZA STRIP HAMAS Palestine. West bank. Philippines. *Ang kasaysyan ng hidwaang Israel-Palestine* PART 1 - Madugong Salpukan sa lSRAEL at Palestinia (PART1) PART 2 - Hindi Tumigil ang Gulo sa Israel at Palestinya (PART2) PART 3 - Ito Pala ang Dahilan bakit Marraming Galit sa Israel (PART3) PART 4 - HETO NA! Sumali na Si
Pinoy Mystery Channel
Run time: 14:23
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English Summary of Video (AI):
Here are specific bullet points of the topics discussed in the video, summarized in English:

- Hostilities between Israel and the Hamas group are intensifying.
- Sympathy for the conflict extends to various groups in the Middle East and from the West.
- The United States has dispatched another powerful war vessel to the Mediterranean, near Israel; an Ohio-class submarine carrying thermonuclear weapons, potentially more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
- The rise of fake news related to the conflict, affecting people's perceptions even in the Philippines, where some believe and others are suspicious.
- The Ohio-class submarine mentioned earlier is now stationed in the Mediterranean as part of the American military support for Israel. It is a nuclear-powered sub that operates through nuclear fission and is part of the American Nuclear Triad, designed originally to deter the Russians.
- The submarine's primary weapon is the Trident Missiles with thermonuclear warheads, which involves a combination of nuclear fission followed by nuclear fusion to create a more powerful explosion than just nuclear fission alone.
- While groups like Hezbollah are sporadically attacking Israel, nations like Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan are refraining from declaring war against Israel.
- To boost morale amidst these conditions, a claim about Yemen declaring war on Israel circulated to encourage foreign support for Hamas, gaining attention in the Philippines where support for Hamas exists.
- The claim originated from the Houthi Rebels in Yemen, stating they targeted Israel with ballistic missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, and drones to support the Palestinians.
- The video clarifies this so-called declaration of war as fake news, explaining that the legitimate government of Yemen hasn't made such a declaration, and the announcement came from Houthi Rebels, not the official Yemeni government, as verified by visiting the Yemeni Embassy's website.
- The dissemination of fake news is hypothesized in the video to be a tactic to support Hamas, with the anticipation that falsehoods may be readily believed if they are comforting, but many Filipinos are discerning and do not easily accept unverified news.
- The presence of U.S. naval forces, including two carrier strike groups and a nuclear submarine, is a sign of strong American support for Israel.
- The lesson to be taken is the importance of scrutinizing news about the conflict between Israel and Hamas, as not all news is truthful, and deceptive news can manipulate public opinion. True freedom lies in knowing the truth.

The video presents a narrative on misinformation and emphasizes a cautionary approach toward news consumption related to geopolitical conflicts.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Some butchered on a kibuts. Their parents were murdered right next to them.
As Hamas attacks and murders innocent civilians.
Digmaan sa pagitan ng Israel at ng grupong Hamas ay lalo ng umiinig.
Maraming kagrupo sa gitnang silangan ang nakikiramay sa laban ng dalawa.
Ganun din naman mula sa kaluran.
At nagpadala ulit ng isa pang sasakyang pang digma ang Amerika sa karagatan ng Mediterranean.
Hindi lang basta-basta ang sasakyan.
Ito ay isa sa pinakamabagsik na submarine sa mundo na may kargang thermonuclear weapons.
Mas malakas pa sa pinagsamang atom at plutonium na bomba na pinasabog sa Hiroshima at Nagasaki.
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