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AS REQUESTED!! Ano ang mas OK na foundation? ENJOY!💛 Issy Active Foundation (my shade is OF1.5) - Strokes Soft Veil Filter Foundation (my shade us Medium 02) - OTHER PRODUCTS USED: Luxe Organix Aqua Daily Sunscreen - Anne Clutz Ultimate Beginner Brushes - Ellana Eye Brow/Line 2 in 1 Eyebrow/Eyeliner Gel (Light Brown) - Strokes Brow Colorist (Golden Brown) - Stokes Microblade Pen Perfector (Bauxite) - GRWM Powder Rush (Cupcake) - Teviant Deity Dust (Girlfriend) - Absidy Cashmere Kiss (Chai) - MY VERY OWN BRUSH SETS AVAILABLE NOW! Anne Clutz Brushes on Shopee - Anne Clutz Brushes on Lazada - Anne Clutz Brushes on Instagram - Anne Clut
Anne Clutz
Run time: 16:28
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English Summary of Video (AI):
Here is a summary of the topics discussed in the Tagalog video, excluding any mentions of channel subscriptions, liking the video, or social media interactions:

- Comparison between two foundations: Strokes Soft Veil Filter Foundation and Easy Active Foundation
- Discussion of the content creator's skin type (oily and textured with blemishes) and application of products
- Use of Luxe Organics Aqua Daily Sunscreen before foundation application
- Observation on the similar packaging of both foundations but a frosted finish on the Strokes product
- Product testing, with Strokes foundation providing better coverage, especially for blemishes
- Noting the need for one layer of Strokes versus multiple layers of Easy to achieve similar coverage
- Application of Strokes foundation on one side of the face, highlighting its coverage and dewy finish
- Comparison of Easy foundation's finish, describing it as dewier and requiring more product to achieve desired coverage
- Mention of putting on the foundation on the neck for evenness
- Discussion of the finish on textured skin, noting Strokes being more forgiving
- Description of the feeling of both foundations, with a slight preference for the lighter feel of Easy
- Comparison on natural lighting, with a preference for the appearance of Strokes
- Discussion of cost-effectiveness with Strokes appearing to be more economical due to less product usage
- Application of setting powder from Get Ready With Me Cosmetics (translucent in Cupcake)
- Minimal makeup look focusing on the foundation for the test
- Conducting a wear test to assess oil control, texture visibility, transfer, and how the products settle into pores
- Updates provided at 4 PM, 9 PM, and later at the end of the night, with observations on product longevity, oil control, and texture visibility
- Final decision difficult due to personal preference for coverage versus more natural, breathable finish
- Price comparison, with Strokes being more affordable at PHP 548 versus Easy at PHP 699
- Discussion of ingredients and skincare components in both foundations
- Availability of products mostly online with Easy also having some store presence
- Recap of winners for coverage, oil control, and texture forgiveness (Strokes for coverage and texture; Easy for oil control)
- Final test conducted on the following day to compare texture visibility between the two foundations on different sides of the face
- Commitment to use both products despite their differences, with situational preferences for each

In summary, the video was a detailed comparison and review of two foundations by a content creator with oily skin. They evaluated aspects such as coverage, finish, oil control, and forgiveness on textured skin, ultimately finding both to have strengths in different areas and expressing intent to use them interchangeably based on daily needs.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
When I close my eyes, kailangan nakapikit yung mata ko para ma-feel ko talaga.
Kasi nga, I'm not happy.
So, pangatlong layer na to, medyo mag-aalangan ka sa coverage nito, okay?
Pagsabayin natin ha.
Oo, mas oily talaga. Mas kumapit to, oo.
Hello, everyone! Welcome back sa ating channel.
Okay, alam kong maraming nagre-request nito.
Stop muna tayo sa pagre-review ng bagong products, no?
Kasi gusto ko talagang...
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