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Probing conversation on the spiritual challenges and democratic politics of former Senator Delima's tortuous journey and ultimate redemption.
Richard Heydarian VLOGS
Run time: 57:23
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Alright, good evening everyone. Finally, this interview's time has arrived. I've been looking forward to this for quite some time. Today, we have with us a former senator and of course, Atty. Layla Dalima. Kamusta po kayo, Atty.?
Oh, I'm fine. Very exhausting. For me, the past 12 days, it's been 12 days from my date of release. I still can't get over it. I'm still getting my bearings, so to speak. You know, just adjusting to the environment. I still feel disoriented from it all. I still miss my own cell there, my own bed there, the whole surroundings. It's really very disorienting.
Supposed to be...
The familiar things in my own home have become suddenly unfamiliar. So, I'm really still adjusting.
Actually, that's why, Senator, I didn't want to call it to you earlier because I know you wanted to spend time also with your family and loved ones. Of course, some of your loved ones are actually friends of mine over Twitter. We have been keeping in touch throughout the years. And as you may know, I mean, your case has been very, very close to our hearts. A lot of our common friends...
Some people know, actually, the other year, I almost had tears in my eyes. I had to control myself when I was talking about your predicament. But there was always an element of hope. I always look forward to this moment. And it looks like some of my prognostications about things turning in a better way has turned out. But before we go into your legal case and your broader hopes for Philippine democracy, certainly, I mean, the last time we met was when you were still in detention. I remember we discussed about...
Yes. You paid a visit. Yeah.
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