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A special R&R episode.
Richard Heydarian VLOGS
Run time: 14:41
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Okay, welcome back to R&R. Isa sa mga pinaka well-watched and appreciated. Apparently, I just checked our ranking number one na ulit tayo sa political podcasts in the country.
And pasok na naman tayo sa mga biggest podcasts na especially hindi produced. Sobrang proud ako kasi halos walang production. Sobrang kachipangan pa rin yung ano.
So thank you so much. And ito, just to be clear, the reason I'm pointing this out is not to flex only is because one of the reasons, actually two of the reasons that we're back again as number one political podcast ranking is mga R&R episodes natin.
Bentang-benta yung mga episodes natin na lalo Harry Roque episode natin. Mukhang malaki yung viewership natin.
And of course, ang taas ng viewership dun sa podcast episode na ginawa natin earlier about yung SWS surveys on majority of Filipinos wanting a probe into drug war.
It looks like many people also felt inspired by that. So salamat again for everyone who has helped us to maintain our position as one of the leading political podcasts in the country.
If not, well, number one again right now. Thank you also to my co-host, Secretary Llamas.
Now, itong episode, pag-usama natin, very short kasi ang daldal natin siya. Last time parang one hour, naka five episodes sa'yo. Ngayon wala pang tatong episode. Dalawang oras na tayo. Medyo nasobra niya natin yung kape natin.
Um, what is your understanding of the realignments that are happening right now? Like, um, kasi napansin ko ganito ah. Isa sa mga attacks ng mga DDS ngayon is inaakusa ang mga ex-yellow or ex-pink or whatever as being now the apologist of BBM, whatever like that.
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