
Mount APO RESORT at Chocolate Hills RESORT ATBP. Nabigyan ng PERMIT
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Bohol Chocolate Hills Resort Senate Investigation Agenda: P.S. Res. No. 967 - Construction of Structures within the Vicinity of the Chocolate Hills (By: Sen. Binay) P.S. Res. No. 970 – Chocolate Hills (By: Sen. Villanueva) P.S. Res. No. 973 - Construction of Resorts within the Chocolate Hills Natural Monument (By: Sen. Legarda) P.S. Res. No. 976 - Exploitation or Defacement of Certain Protected Areas (By: Sen. C. Villar) Privilege Speech of Sen. Raffy T. Tulfo on the issues of illegal resort development and the environmental challenges besetting the Mt. Apo National Reserve, delivered last 18 March 2024.
Michael Apacible Bulletin
Run time: 04:06:48
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